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Discussion: Curious if South Orange Maplewood schools teach about anti-racism, systemic racism,whiteness as problematic

joan_crystal said:

How about not focusing on labels at all.  Can't we simply teach our children that all people are human beings who should be judged by their actions not their appearance or physical abilities?

I think the problem with this approach is it depends on ignoring the present effects of centuries of institutional racism.  On average a white newborn starts out with advantages over a black newborn. This is a deep and nuanced discussion. 

Notupset is not here to start a deep and nuanced discussed. They are here to spread the (racist and untrue) idea that schools are now teaching that being white is a problem. That learning about systemic racism is somehow shaming to white children. It’s an idea born from fear and too much suckling at the toxic teats of Newsmax, Fox News and Tucker Carlson. 

Notice how they neatly conflated the ideas of anti-racism and systemic racism with “whiteness as problematic”?  Two legitimate topics for education and discussion and a third which is ridiculous and nonexistent. It’s an approach which is either ignorant or malignant. 

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Discussion: 34 Felony Convictions! Prosecutors bat 1000

Well ….this time around he got the popular vote.

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Discussion: The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

mtierney said:

Which sort of explains the insane lawfare directed at Trump — no one ever considered him a boy scout, it’s not like Trump himself pretended to be anyone but who he was — so, to prop up the very unpopular Biden/Harris, the hunt to throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks took off in earnest with the decades old Stormy Daniels he said/she said tittle tattle.  It was not the court’s finest hour.

If I were a Democrat (my father would be so proud) I would have to ask why there are no other candidates lined up to pick up the Biden pieces as he appears to be  struggling to stay erect these days. O, silly me, I forgot about the first female president of color standing in the wings! Mr Unpopular and Mis Unpopular, side by side!  God help us all!

You don't have to be a Democrat to believe in the rule of law, just an American who believes in our country. Apparently too high a bar for many Republicans.

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Discussion: Curious if South Orange Maplewood schools teach about anti-racism, systemic racism,whiteness as problematic

I've never had any training at work that says "whiteness" is a problem. I have had DEI sessions, where we talk about implicit bias, which is of course not at all the same thing. I'm wondering, where have you worked that you've had sessions talking about "whiteness" being a problem?

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Discussion: The Trump Indictments

We’re tired of trump and all his nonsense. He could still run for president from jail, he could still vote in November, the red donation site crashed after his supporters started donating money for him. I want to see him convicted in federal court before I start celebrating. This guy is a slippery, slimy creature, who’s also very dangerous. I’m glad he’s a convicted felon, and hopefully he’ll lose some of the votes he would’ve gotten if he was acquitted. I guess the only time we’ll stop hearing his name is when he’s dead and gone. 

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Discussion: Memorial Day Weather

Memorial Day

Humidity and mild temps (around 70⁰) today with perhaps another shower or two until this afternoon

A second line of heavier showers is forecast to come through the area this afternoon or evening. There is a slight chance of thunder with this afternoon's storms, and gusty winds are not out of the question. There is a very slight chance of hail and high winds.

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Discussion: The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

mtierney said:

my “malaise” got  a name today: Covid.

Get the Paxlovid ASAP.  The last time I had it (November 23) was definitely the worst thus far. Regardless of what people say, it's not something to be taken lightly.  

In spite of our countless differences, I wish you a mild case and a speedy recovery.

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Discussion: Bring Out Your Dead! The celebrity death thread....

Bill Walton was an amazing basketball player, both at UCLA and as a young pro, leading Portland to four straight victories over my 76ers in the 1977 NBA Finals after losing the first two games. That hurt.

Walton was also by all accounts a great guy. A few years ago he graciously posed for a photo with my son and a friend before calling a Pac 12 game. (His garrulous enthusiasm at the mic was a taste I never acquired, but lots of viewers loved him.)

An all-time athlete and character. May he rest in peace and love.

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Discussion: No-Mow May

I especially like the crimson clover

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